Different providers charge different prices for the same medical services. In some cases, these vary by up to 700% in the same region, for the same quality of care. With Change Healthcares new app, find prices and quality ratings before you visit the doctor or pick up a prescription! Get access to cost, quality, and convenience information for healthcare services and prescriptions you might be thinking about buying. With Change Healthcares app, you will receive helpful healthcare messages and reminders for services you already use so that you can have peace of mind that you are in control of your healthcare costs.
-- Find prices and quality ratings for thousands of prescriptions and medical, dental and vision services.
-- Receive alerts with tips on how to save on prescriptions and medical services near you.
-- Set your own preferences to receive emails, texts or both.
Note: This app is only available to employees and dependents of companies that have registered for Change Healthcare. Not all services may be available, depending on specific configurations for your employer. Talk to your Human Resources representative if you dont have access but would like your company to use Change Healthcare.